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Certified EMR Offerings

Please note: the information provided below is for research purposes only. EMR Advisor strongly suggests you use this in conjunction with other information sources (e.g. discussions with your peers), and perform a proper RFI (Request for Information) from vendor organizations you wish to consider for your CMS/EMR selection.

This section provides information about the CMS vendor.

NOTE: The information below has been provided by the CMS vendor.

About the Vendor

YMS has been serving Ontario Healthcare Professionals for 30 years. This is 30 years of listening to our clients and learning what they need to run their practice smoothly and efficiently. Our product offering is versatile and customizable to the clinicians current workflow. The learning curve is minimal as the system adapts to your style not the other way around. Over 90% of our clients are referrals from other users. Give us a call and learn more.

Website URL

What type of business are you (e.g. public company, sole proprietorship, partnership, etc.)?

YMS is a Canadian controlled private corporation.

In what year did you start business in the health information technology industry?

YMS started offering health information technology in 1979.

In what year did you start to sell the current practice management component of your EMR Offering? In what year did you start to sell the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) component of your EMR Offering?

We started selling the billing package in 1979 and the EMR in 2005.

How many full time equivalent staff do you currently employ?

YMS has 25 employees.

How many physicians/clinics currently use your EMR product (e.g. chartless office or a majority of encounters recorded electronically)? How many in Ontario?

We currently support 485 physicians and healthcare providers using the YMS EMR product.

Describe training offered to customers who acquire your EMR Offering. Please describe any associated costs.

YMS offers a variety of training programs to our clients. We deliver one-on-one, classroom and resident expert training onsite or remotely via the internet. Training is included in your start up cost.

Will you offer other (non-EMR application) training to your customers? Please describe any associated costs.

We offer Microsoft courses such as Word, Excel and MS Access at our standard hourly rate.

How many hours of physician training do you recommend?

Training is determined after we've done a workflow analysis and a needs assessment with our clients. Course are customized if/when required to meet the workflow designed with the client.

How many hours of support staff training do you recommend?

If the administrative staff do the billing and scheduling as well as patient registration we recommend 2 training sessions. One to address the billing, scheduling and registration and one a couple of months later to address the procession of remittance reports.

Are there additional fees for training for software upgrades (if so, please describe)?

When an update is sent out we provide our clients with a summary of changes and when the changes are extensive we offer lunch and learn webcasts to review the changes with clients.

Describe the EMR support offered to customers who acquire your Offering. Please describe any associated costs.

Our monthly subscription includes unlimited support calls, product updates and drug database updates.

Do you provide remote support to your customers? Please describe any associated costs.

Yes this is included in the monthly support fees.

Do you take support requests via email? Please describe any associated costs.

Yes this is included in the monthly support fees.

In the event of a disagreement between you and your customer, will you support the notion of a dispute resolution process involving an independent mediator? Please describe any associated costs.

We would support the notion of a dispute resolution process. This would be billable at our standard hourly rate.

Do you have a formal process for managing customer-reported incidents? If so, what is the average age of incidents on your problem log before they are closed? Please describe any associated costs.

85% of calls are resolved on initial contact by phone, 10% are resolved using remote access and 5% require onsite attention. We have the capability to generate reports on a predetermined basis to review and analyze our performance, identify trends and determine cause. Trend analysis help us to identify developing problem areas and propose corrective action.

How often do you make a major software upgrade to your product?

Once a year.

Are there additional fees for major software upgrades (if so, please describe)?

This is included in our monthly support fees.

Are there additional fees for routine maintenance/small changes (if so, please describe)?

All changes are reviewed and cost is determined based on requirement.

Are there additional fees for documentation for software upgrades (if so, please describe)?


How do you provide software updates to clients?

We send clients a summary of changes, schedule the update and if it is a major update we provide lunch and learn webcasts to review the changes. Training is available at our standard hourly rate.

Will you assist physicians in preparing a disaster recovery plan, in the event of the loss of the system? Please describe any associated costs.


Will you assist physicians in preparing a business continuity plan, in the event of a system disruption? Please describe any associated costs.


Will you offer customers any assurance or commitment to continuity of business in the event of a system disruption? Please describe any associated costs.


Will you offer data conversion services to customers who already have patient demographic data stored electronically? Please describe any associated costs.

Yes. We offer up to 4 hours of conversion as part of our sales process. Anything above this is billable at our standard hourly rate.

Will you offer data conversion services to customers who already have both patient demographic and clinical data stored electronically? Please describe any associated costs.

Yes if they are moving from an existing certified solution that meet the XML protocol.

Other information about EMR offerings:

The following information is provided to assist you:

  • Approved Local EMR Configurations
    Ontario's eHealth strategy includes the use of specific configurations designed to meet Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and eHealth connectivity needs in Physician offices.
  • For more information, please call / email OntarioMD at 1-866-744-8668,