Overview of OMD Services for OHTs
Advancing Digital Health for Ontario Health Teams
OntarioMD (OMD) is working with Ontario Health (OH) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to support the adoption of digital health services by the community-based clinicians within each Ontario Health Team (OHT) through our OHT Digital Health Advancement Program, training, and education.
OMD's 20 years of experience working with more than 20,000 clinicians means we understand what clinicians need to deliver the best possible patient care. OMD provides clinicians with practical tools and supports to improve workflows and enhance efficiency using their EMR and other digital health tools that provide access to lab test results, hospital reports, drug information and much more.
Take Advantage of Our Clinician Engagement Strategies
OHT Digital Health Advancement Program
Leverage OMD Advisors who live and work locally throughout Ontario and have extensive experience engaging clinicians in your OHT.
- Clinician Onboarding: Efficient and practical onboarding to digital health tools, along with personalized training on how to adopt and use tools for more informed patient care and to improve patient outcomes. We onboard clinicians to the tools recommended for community-based clinicians in Ontario's
Digital Health Playbook (PDF), and support them to become proficient users for quality improvement and population health management.
- Quality Improvement and Population Health Education: Help with advancing quality improvement and population health priorities through OMD offerings (e.g.,
OMD Advisory Service and
Peer Leader Program) and a wide range of educational opportunities on topics relevant to clinicians.
- Alignment of Needs: Experts at linking OHT needs to the tangible needs of clinicians so that they feel supported, helping to cultivate win-win relationships.
OMD Advisory Service: Ongoing advice to help clinicians optimize their use of digital health and virtual care tools and improve practice efficiency—including time-saving tips to access and manage consults, reports from hospitals, specialty clinics and COVaxON, medication data, lab test results and other patient information—and protect patient data.
OMD Educates: Education for Clinicians by Experts
Gain access to a comprehensive, practical education program (e.g.,
Digital Health Conference, OMD webinars, workshops, training, resources, etc.) to help clinicians in OHTs use their EMRs better, improve their data quality, and create efficiencies to save time and resources and improve patient care.
Check out
OMDEducates.com for more information on educational resources and support for clinicians.
Privacy and Security Program
Access to robust
privacy and security training and resources to support clinicians in OHTs with protecting patient data and to increase maturity and alignment of clinical practices with provincial and regional standards and policies.
Why OMD? Use Our Expertise to Advance Digital Health in Your OHT
- We have two decades of experience in change management expertise and helping clinicians across Ontario with their digital health needs and quality improvement goals.
- We are involved with OHTs in every area of the province and understand your unique needs.
- Our
Clinician Peer Leaders in your OHT understand the gaps and needs of OHTs at different levels of maturity.
- We are knowledge translators and connectors: we link your needs to the needs of clinicians!
- Several of our digital health services are identified as enabling solutions in Ontario's
Digital Health Playbook (PDF)
Get Started Today
For support around digital health adoption and your clinician engagement needs, or for more information on how OMD can help you advance digital health in your OHT, contact us at
Read More About OMD Supports for OHTs
More Resources
Ontario Medical Association: Ontario Health Teams (must be an OMA Member to access this resource).