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Frequently Asked Questions

HRM COVID19 Notifications FAQ for Clinicians

HRM COVaxON Vaccination Reports FAQ 

About HRM

  1. What is Health Report Manager (HRM)?
  2. How does HRM work?
  3. Are reports transmitted through HRM securely?
  4. Do I query HRM to retrieve reports?
  5. How do HRM reports appear in the patient chart in my EMR?
  6. Can I receive lab reports in my EMR through HRM?
  7. Are all hospitals on HRM?
  8. Can HRM deliver reports from sending facillities that are not hospitals?
  9. Do sending facilities send all reports through HRM or only electronically generated reports?
  10. What are the benefits of HRM for patients?
  11. What are the benefits of HRM for clinicians?
  12. What are the benefits of HRM for sending facilities?
  13. What's the difference between HRM and ClinicalConnect?
  14. How do HRM and ClinicalConnect fit together?
  15. Has HRM been assessed for eSafety considerations with Canada's Health Informatics Association's eSafety Guidelines?

About eNotifications

  1. What is an eNotification?
  2. How do eNotifications appear in the patient chart in my EMR?
  3. What are the benefits of eNotifications for patients?
  4. What are the benefits of eNotifications for primary care clinicians?
  5. How do I get eNotifications?
  6. How do HRM and POI fit together?

Connecting to HRM

  1. How do I get HRM?
  2. Are there costs for clinician practices to use HRM?
  3. What do I need to do to receive reports from HRM?
  4. Why do I need a static IP address to connect to HRM?
  5. How do I confirm if I have a static IP address?
  6. How long does it take to connect a clinician practice to HRM and what are the activities the practice must perform?
  7. Can specialists connect to HRM to receive sending facility reports?
  8. If I'm already using a report solution in my region, will I have to replace it with HRM?
  9. Will clinicians in the Central East LHIN who currently use the Timely Discharge Information System (TDIS) and then connect to HRM receive the same sending facility reports twice?

Using HRM

  1. Now that I use HRM, how can I stop receiving paper or fax reports?
  2. I am a primary care provider; if my patient does not identify me as the primary care provider, will I still receive a report through HRM?
  3. If I work in multiple clinics, each with its own EMR, can I control to which EMR my HRM reports go?
  4. I practice at multiple locations with different EMRs, all of which have subscribed to receive reports through HRM. How can I stop receiving reports through HRM at a particular location while still receiving at others?
  5. Who is accountable for making sure a physician or nurse practitioner receives all the reports for their patients?
  6. Can other physicians get a copy of a discharge summary through HRM?
  7. How can I get access to HRM reports if a locum is referenced in the report?
  8. Are the report categories specific to HRM or the EMR?
  9. Can I search the text within a report received via HRM?
  10. Why am I receiving some reports as text and others as PDFs?
  11. Why do HRM diagnostic imaging reports exclude the image?
  12. Why is a hospital sending me some reports electronically through HRM and other reports on paper?
  13. OLIS identifies critically abnormal reports so they can be addressed with urgency. Does HRM have a similar capacity to identify urgent reports?
  14. I received a patient report through HRM without a sending facility name. How can I determine from which sending facility the report came?
  15. Can I limit or turn off HRM if a patient is having tests every few hours at a hospital?
  16. My name, or the name of my professional practice has changed. Will I continue to receive reports through HRM?
  17. My practice has moved to a new adress, who should I notify?
  18. I have made a change to my EMR set-up and/or vendor, who should I contact?
  19. I have moved to another group that is receiving reports through HRM. How can I start receiving reports at this new location?
  20. What if I no longer wish to receive reports through HRM?
  21. Where can I get help and support for HRM?
  22. What if I accidentally sent an email containing PHI to 
  23. What version of LOINC does HRM use?
  24. What do I need to do to ensure my existing HRM integration will also deliver reports from any new facility that is sending reports through HRM?


About HRM

1. What is Health Report Manager (HRM)?

HRM enables clinicians using an OntarioMD-certified EMR to receive patient reports electronically from a sending facility (e.g. hospital, specialty clinic or independent health facility). HRM sends the narrative text-based or binary (PDF, etc.) Medical Record and Diagnostic Imaging report it receives from sending facilities electronically and stores them in a secure folder for pick-up by the clinician's EMR. The EMR picks up the reports, which are posted to the patient's record in the EMR and to the clinician's inbox for review and sign-off.

OntarioMD is leading the provincial deployment of HRM, including activities required to connect a sending facility to a clinician practice.


2. How does HRM work?

HRM replaces the traditional paper report distribution from participating senders. The following steps outline how HRM works:

  1. Sending facility creates a report, identifies report recipients and transmits the report to HRM.
  2. HRM converts the report to an EMR standard format, encrypts and deposits the report to the secure folder for each recipient's EMR.
  3. The clinician's EMR retrieves the report, decrypts and posts the report into the patient's record in the EMR and to the clinician's inbox for review and sign-off.

Note: HRM does not replace critical report handling procedures that are currently in place between sending facilities and clinician practices.


3. Are reports transmitted through HRM securely?

Yes, report transmission through HRM is secure. Sending facilities send patient reports to HRM over Ontario Health's Digital Services' (formerly eHealth Ontario's) secure managed private network. The reports are encrypted (i.e., their content is coded in such a way that only authorized parties can read it) by HRM and posted to the patient's record in the EMR and to the clinician's inbox for review and sign-off.


4. Do I query HRM to retrieve reports?

No, HRM is not a repository which is queried to retrieve reports. Sending facilities send patient reports to the clinician's EMR.


5. How do HRM reports appear in the patient chart in my EMR?

HRM reports are incorporated into the patient chart, and an alert is received in you're the clinician's EMR inbox. Please consult your EMR vendor for details on how HRM reports appear in your EMR. Reports are matched to the patient chart according to the existing EMR patient matching process, utilizing fields such as health card number, name, gender or date of birth. For an example of how HRM reports appear in an EMR, please watch the HRM demonstration video.


6. Can I receive lab reports in my EMR through HRM?

No, you cannot receive lab reports in your EMR through HRM, but you can receive them through the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) and directly from community labs if you use an OntarioMD-certified EMR. For more information about OLIS, please contact OntarioMD at 1-866-744-8668 or


7. Are all hospitals on HRM?

The provincial expansion of HRM started in 2013 and has connected more than 200 individual hospital sites in Ontario. Hospitals in the following LHINs are currently being connected:

  • LHIN 1 (Erie St. Clair)
  • LHIN 2 (South West)
  • LHIN 3 (Waterloo Wellington)
  • LHIN 4 (Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant)
  • LHIN 5 (Central West)
  • LHIN 6 (Mississauga Halton)
  • LHIN 7 (Toronto Central)
  • LHIN 8 (Central)
  • LHIN 9 (Central East)
  • LHIN 10 (South East)
  • LHIN 11 (Champlain)
  • LHIN 12 (North Simcoe Muskoka)
  • LHIN 13 (North East) 
  • LHIN 14 (North West)

For a full list of sending facilities on HRM, please visit the Sending Facilities page.


8. Can HRM deliver reports from sending facilities that are not hospitals?

Yes, HRM is already delivering reports to clinicians from multiple specialty clinics and independent health facilities (IHFs) that provide cardiology and radiology services. Please note that diagnostic images are available through the Diagnostic Imaging Repository (DI-r); HRM only delivers the associated narrative report. For a full list of sending facilities on HRM, please visit the Sending Facilities page.


9. Do sending facilities send all reports through HRM or only electronically generated reports?

Reports have to be transcribed or otherwise electronically produced by the sending facility before being delivered through HRM. Sending facilities are encouraged to not use HRM for delivering scanned versions of handwritten reports.


10. What are the benefits of HRM for patients?

Patients benefit by receiving more timely care and improved continuity of care because clinicians receive their medical reports faster than current report delivery mechanisms. Timely care after being discharged from a hospital or other facility helps to avoid complications and potential readmissions.


11. What are the benefits of HRM for clinicians?

For community-based clinicians, HRM provides quicker access to information needed for making decisions about patient care, leading to improvements in safety and quicker follow-up and continuity of care.

With HRM, clinic staff will spend less time on handling and scanning paper reports. Overall, clinics will experience improved productivity and cost savings and staff will have more time to perform patient-related functions.


12. What are the benefits of HRM for sending facilities?

  • Transmitting to different EMRs is much simpler; there is just one interface to HRM instead of developing and maintaining an interface to each EMR.
  • Generates administrative and operational savings by reducing manual processes associated with report distribution (e.g., printing, filing, and mailing) - a medium size hospital can avoid costs of approximately $30,000 per year and a large hospital can avoid costs of approximately $100,000 per year.
  • Provides a secure alternative to manual report distribution.
  • Formal acknowledgement messaging from HRM back to the sending facility to confirm that reports were received.


13. What's the difference between HRM and ClinicalConnect?

HRM and ClinicalConnect are two different digital health tools that offer providers different ways to get different types of electronic health information. HRM is an Ontario-wide report delivery solution to get clinical reports into clinicians' EMRs, and ClinicalConnect is a web-based, provincial clinical viewer solution.

HRM pushes transcriptions and radiology reports from a growing number of hospitals and independent health facilities across Ontario to clinicians' EMRs, whereas ClinicalConnect pulls a wide variety of health information from different sources including hospitals in South West Ontario plus provincial repositories, into a consolidated view accessible through a web-based portal.


14. What are the benefits of HRM for sending facilities?

HRM has replaced ClinicalConnect's EMR Download tool, but ClinicalConnect is still be available as a provincial clinical viewer. Clinicians using OntarioMD-certified EMRs can enroll in HRM to receive reports from hospitals, specialty clinics and independent health facilities across Ontario by contacting OntarioMD at


15. Has HRM been assessed for eSafety considerations with Canada's Health Informatics Association's eSafety Guidelines?

Yes, an eSafety assessment was performed by OntarioMD on HRM which focused on applying Digital Health Canada's eSafety Guidelines to both the HRM product features and deployment to include eSafety considerations and additional risk mitigation prior to go-live of the HRM provincial solution.


 About eNotifications

1. What is an eNotification?

An eNotification is an electronic message sent through Health Report Manager (HRM) to primary care clinicians to notify them when their patients are discharged from the Emergency Department or are admitted or discharged from in-patient units. eNotifications are augmented with CCAC and Health Links information (where available) prior to being sent to primary care providers' EMRs. eNotifications appear in your EMR in the same manner as a Medical Record report sent through HRM. After receiving an eNotification, you will subsequently receive a discharge summary and/or other reports from the hospital after the hospital has prepared the report(s) for electronic transmission.


2. How do eNotifications appear in the patient chart in my EMR?

eNotifications appear in your EMR in the same manner as a Medical Record report sent through HRM. eNotifications are incorporated into the patient chart, and an alert is received in the clinician's EMR inbox. Please refer to Question 5 for more information.


3. What are the benefits of eNotifications for patients?

Patients benefit by receiving faster follow-up care. Also, continuity of care between acute and primary care settings is improved because patients' primary care clinicians are notified of Emergency Room and inpatient visits sooner and are empowered by timely and accurate patient information. The Benefits Evaluation on the pilot of eNotifications with Toronto East General Hospital and South East Toronto Family Health Team demonstrated that 100% of the notifications were reviewed within 7 days and a follow-up action determined.


4. What are the benefits of eNotifications for primary care clinicians?

For primary care clinicians, eNotifications provide notice about the latest patient information needed for making decisions about appropriate follow-up care. eNotifications enable clinicians to improve their ability to follow-up with patients post discharge. Toronto East General Hospital's eNotifications pilot has been recognized as a Leading Practice by Accreditation Canada due to its effectiveness in improving the coordination of care. Click here for more information.


5. How do I get eNotifications?

If you are using HRM, you will receive eNotifications automatically as hospitals enable eNotifications through HRM. eNotifications are an additional feature of HRM; sending messages to primary care clinicians to notify them when their patients are discharged from the Emergency Department or are admitted or discharged from in-patient units.

If you are not using HRM and are using an OntarioMD-certified EMR, please contact OntarioMD at to sign-up for HRM. Once you've signed up to receive reports from HRM, you will start to receive eNotifications as well.


6. How do HRM and POI fit together?

You will continue to maintain your Physician Office Integration (POI) connection to receive lab reports, while the HRM connection will be added to enable you to receive hospital reports and eNotifications in your EMR. POI and HRM will be complementary services until hospitals and clinician practices in the North East and North West LHINs are transitioned from POI to HRM some time in the future.


 Connecting to HRM

1. How do I get HRM?

If you are a clinician and you are using a certified EMR, contact OntarioMD at

Your OntarioMD Practice Advisor will schedule a meeting with you to review the HRM agreements and to answer your questions. You may also wish to have your EMR vendor attend the meeting. Once you have signed the HRM Subscription Agreement and an End User Agreement for each clinician who will be using HRM in your practice, OntarioMD and your vendor will help you connect to HRM.


2. Are there costs for clinician practices to use HRM?

No, HRM is offered through OntarioMD on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Health. There are no costs for practices to use HRM from OntarioMD or the ministry. However, clinician practices are responsible for any potential costs of configuration, training, ongoing maintenance and support for the HRM interface in their EMR. These responsibilities are defined in your EMR vendor's licence and annual maintenance agreement.


3. What do I need to do to receive reports from HRM?

To connect to HRM, clinician practices will need to:

    • Use an OntarioMD-certified EMR. Please contact your EMR vendor to upgrade to the certified version of your EMR if you are not currently on the certified version.
    • Have a high-speed Internet connection with a static IP address to receive reports

For further information about upgrading your EMR to the certified version, please email


4. Why do I need a static IP address to connect to HRM?

When a device is assigned a static IP address, the IP address does not change. The device always has the same address, unlike a dynamic IP address which is temporary and can change over time. HRM infrastructure employs a network firewall that will only allow known, trusted IP addresses to connect. A trusted IP address is allowed to connect to HRM via manual configuration and therefore any changes to a device's IP address must go through the standard firewall change request process.


5. How do I confirm if I have a static IP address?

If you are unsure about whether you have a static IP address or not, please contact your Internet service provider (e.g. Bell, Rogers) for assistance.


6. How long does it take to connect a clinician practice to HRM and what are the activities the practice must perform?

OntarioMD staff are working with clinician practices to connect them to HRM. Their experience has shown that it takes about 3 to 4 weeks from the time the OntarioMD HRM Subscription Agreement is signed to final testing of the connection from HRM to the EMR.

The principal activities that a clinician practice must perform are:

    • Sign an HRM Subscription Agreement for the practice
    • Have each clinician who will receive reports through HRM sign an HRM End User Agreement
    • Conduct a meeting with your Lead Clinician (if applicable), your EMR vendor and the OntarioMD HRM team
    • Engage with your EMR vendor and/or other IT support for technical deployment activities:
      • Connectivity with test and production environments
      • Installation and maintenance of security keys for delivery and decryption
      • Preparation of test data and completion of testing
    • Auto-categorize reports that will be received through HRM
    • Monitor the solution immediately post Go Live to ensure reports are being received appropriately
    • Engage with sending facilities, as appropriate, to turn off your traditional means of report delivery (i.e., paper). Contact addresses for stop paper requests can be found on the Sending Facilities page.


7. Can specialists connect to HRM to receive reports?

Yes, specialists who use an OntarioMD-certified EMR can connect to HRM. Contact OntarioMD at to start the subscription process.

An OntarioMD Practice Advisor will schedule a meeting to review the HRM agreements and to answer questions. The EMR vendor may also attend the meeting. Once the HRM Subscription Agreement and an HRM End User Agreement for each clinician who will be using HRM in your practice are signed, OntarioMD and the vendor will connect the EMR to HRM.


8. If I'm already using a report solution in my region, will I have to replace it with HRM?

If you're already using one of the regional report solutions such as the Timely Discharge Information System (TDIS) in LHIN 9 or the Southwest Physician Office Interface to Regional EMR (SPIRE) system in LHIN 2, you can continue to use those solutions. You can also connect to HRM. HRM is the secure, provincial electronic report system for sending patient reports electronically from sending facilities to OntarioMD-certified EMRs. It includes more than 200 individual hospital campuses/sites in Ontario. Access to HRM gives you reports electronically from any hospital or independent health facility in Ontario that sends reports through HRM, not just reports from a particular region. This is especially useful if your patients may have to go to another location outside your LHIN for treatment.

Get further information on the transition from TDIS to HRM.

Get further information on the transition from SPIRE to HRM.


9. Will clinicians in the Central East LHIN who currently use the Timely Discharge Information System (TDIS) and then connect to HRM receive the same sending facility reports twice?

OntarioMD and the TDIS team have implemented a process to minimize the duplication of reports. Once a TDIS clinician gets connected to HRM, there is a short period (one week) during which duplicate reports may be received until the clinician is deactivated from TDIS (for the specific sending facility).

Get further information on the transition from TDIS to HRM.


 Using HRM

1. Now that I use HRM, how can I stop receiving paper or fax reports?

Some sending facilities will choose to turn off paper or fax delivery to clinicians using HRM at their own discretion; however, other sending facilities may continue providing both HRM and paper or fax reports until you make a request directly to the sending facility to turn off the paper or fax stream. Contact addresses for stop paper requests can be found on the Sending Facilities page.

Note: Please consider the implications of turning off paper if you practice at multiple locations.


2. I am a primary care provider; if my patient does not identify me as the primary care provider, will I still receive a report through HRM?

HRM only delivers reports to clinicians identified by the sending facility. HRM does not send reports based on established patient-provider relationships. This is consistent with the way primary care providers are identified by sending facilities in fax and paper reports today.


3. If I work in multiple clinics, each with its own EMR, can I control to which EMR my HRM reports go?

At this time, it is not possible to direct a patient's report only to the EMR that has the patient's record. HRM distributes all your patient reports to all EMRs registered to receive your reports, not just the EMR that has the patient's record.

How to manage reports from multiple clinics:

    • Each EMR you use will automatically try to match the patient identified in the report from HRM to a patient record.
    • If a match is found, the report will be placed in the patient record in the EMR and will also be sent to your inbox in that EMR.
    • If the EMR is unable to match the report to a patient record in the EMR you use at a particular clinic, the report is sent to the administrative queue as an unmatched patient notification.
      • First, you (or your staff) need to search the EMR for the patient and confirm whether there is a patient in this EMR that matches the report; it could be a case of an incorrect Health Card Number on the report or other incorrect information preventing a match.
      • If you cannot find a record for the patient in an EMR, you need to search the other EMRs you use and ensure that a copy of the report is available at the location where the patient has an EMR record. You (or your staff) should then delete any other copies of the report from the other EMRs.
    • If you need any help with managing reports, please contact OntarioMD at


4. I practice at multiple locations with different EMRs, all of which have subscribed to receive reports through HRM. How can I stop receiving reports through HRM at a particular location while still receiving at others?

If you have registered to receive reports for all the different EMRs at each location, you can make a request through the OntarioMD Service Desk by email at or by calling 1-866-744-8668 to have one or more locations de-activated from HRM. This will not impact the delivery of reports to other subscribed locations.


5. Who is accountable for making sure a physician or nurse practitioner receives all the reports for their patients?

HRM has been built with a number of safety and security checks that ensure that the physician or nurse practitioner named on every report from a sending facility receives the report into their EMR. HRM does not, however, have any control over a sending facility's service levels that define how quickly they produce the reports and transmit them electronically to your EMR via HRM.

If you believe that you have not received a report, please contact the sending facility first. Contact details for sending facilities live on HRM, can be found on our Sending Facilities page. If the sending facility confirms that a report was sent, please contact the OntarioMD Service Desk by calling 1-866-744-8668 or emailing to open a ticket to investigate.


6. Can other physicians get a copy of a discharge summary through HRM?

Discharge reports are sent through HRM only to those clinicians identified in the report by the sending hospital. HRM is not a portal solution where other clinicians can access the patient's discharge summary.


7. How can I get access to HRM reports if a locum is referenced in the report?

Hospitals that send reports through HRM should always copy the patient's primary care provider so that the primary care provider will always receive a copy of the patient's report from HRM into the EMR. HRM must be informed when the locum has moved on.


8. Are the report categories specific to HRM or the EMR?

Report categories are specific to the EMR. The list of report categories sent by each sending facility in reports delivered through HRM is provided on the HRM Sending Facilities page. The ability to automatically categorize reports as they are received is one of the key benefits of the HRM feature in your EMR. Your EMR categorizes reports according to the categorization rules your clinic defines. Report categorization is generally covered in the HRM training received from your EMR vendor; if you have any further questions about report categories, please contact your OntarioMD Practice Advisor.



9. Can I search the text within a report received via HRM?

The ability to search the text within a report depends on how your EMR handles incoming reports. Please ask your EMR vendor for additional details.


10. Why am I receiving some reports as text and others as PDFs?

HRM supports both text and binary (e.g., PDF, RTF, JPEG, TIFF, etc.) reports. Each sending facility chooses how to send reports. HRM does not choose the format and does not convert one format to another.

Text reports have an advantage over binary reports. You can search your EMR for data in the content of text reports to help you locate specific information about your patients (e.g., patients with diabetes). The content of binary reports cannot be searched within your EMR. OntarioMD recommends that sending facilities provide clinicians with text reports through HRM to enable searching.

If you have any concerns about receiving binary reports, please contact the sending facility directly.


11. Why do HRM diagnostic imaging reports exclude the image?

Diagnostic imaging reports sent from a sending facility to a clinician EMR via HRM do not include the associated diagnostic image because clinicians can access diagnostic images electronically using Ontario Health's Digital Services' (formerly eHealth Ontario's) Diagnostic Imaging Repository (DI-r). HRM does not duplicate the capabilities of other eHealth assets but rather focusses on providing clinicians with easy access to hospital reports for their patients.


12. Why is a hospital sending me some reports electronically through HRM and other reports on paper?

Hospitals and other sending facilities determine which reports to send through HRM, and which to continue distributing using traditional means, such as mail or fax. Some hospitals may have a policy to send Report Cancellations by mail or fax, even though the original report was sent through HRM. Please check the Sending Facilities page for the full list of report types that sending facilities have chosen to send through HRM, or contact the sending facility directly for more information.


13. OLIS identifies critically abnormal reports so they can be addressed with urgency. Does HRM have a similar capacity to identify urgent reports?

No, HRM does not flag urgent or critically abnormal reports. OntarioMD counsels hospitals to follow their existing procedures to notify practices of urgent reports.


14. I received a patient report through HRM without a sending facility name. How can I determine from which sending facility the report came?

At a minimum, the HRM specification requires that sending facilities identify themselves in the report according to the Ministry of Health's master code. If you have received a report through HRM without the sending facility name, you can determine which sending facility sent you the report by downloading the Master Numbering System Codes document and looking up the sending facility code. Master Numbering System Codes are available for download in PDF or Excel formats on the ministry's website.

For sending facilities that are live on HRM, the master codes, identified as the HRM ID, are provided on the OntarioMD website on the Sending Facilities page.

OntarioMD is working with sending facilities to ensure that appropriate fields, such as the name of the sending facility, are included in reports delivered through HRM.


15. Can I limit or turn off HRM if a patient is having tests every few hours at a hospital?

HRM will deliver all reports that a sending facility directs through HRM, regardless of frequency, to the physician(s) and/or nurse practitioner(s) named on the reports. Clinicians cannot limit or turn off HRM for specific periods, for selected sending facilities, or for selected reports. Turning off HRM would mean stopping all reports from all sending facilities, which is not recommended.


16. My name or the name of my professional practice has changed. Will I continue to receive reports through HRM?

If there has been a change to your name or practice (including your contact information) please let us know by calling the OntarioMD Service Desk at 1-866-744-8668, or by notifying your OntarioMD Practice Advisor. Please also ensure that sending facilities from which you primarily receive reports are notified of the change so that there is no risk of report delivery being disrupted. Contact addresses for sending facilities can be found on the Sending Facilities page.


17. My practice has moved to a new address, who should I notify?

If there has been a change to your practice address, please call the OntarioMD Service Desk at 1-866-744-8668, or notify your OntarioMD Practice Advisor.

A formal Notice of Change process will be followed to ensure that HRM is connected at your new practice location.


18. I have made a change to my EMR set-up and/or vendor, who should I contact?

Any changes made to your EMR configuration or vendor must be communicated to your OntarioMD Practice Advisor so that a formal Notice of Change form can be completed.

Please provide two weeks' notice to OntarioMD before this change so that the Technical Support team can take the necessary actions to ensure that HRM is connected to the new EMR.


19. I have moved to another group that is receiving reports through HRM. How can I start receiving reports at this new location?

The Lead/Signing Authority of the new site you are moving to will need to complete an Add New Clinician form. If you received reports at your former group, you will also have to unsubscribe your reports from being sent to your former group. Please contact your assigned OntarioMD Practice Advisor or the OntarioMD Service Desk at or 1-866-744-8668.


20. What If I no longer wish to receive reports through HRM?

If you no longer wish to receive reports through HRM, you will need to contact the OntarioMD Service Desk at 1-866-744-8668 , e-mail , or your assigned OntarioMD Practice Advisor, to initiate the HRM de-activation process. 


21. Where can I get help and support for HRM?

The OntarioMD Service Desk at 1-866-744-8668  is the central point of contact for support for the Health Report Manager (HRM) provincial solution. For more information, please refer to the HRM Operations User Guide. You may also reach out to your assigned OntarioMD Practice Advisor.

  • Please do not send any personal health information (PHI) in email for any reason. 
  • All PHI should be removed before sending an email (or any other correspondence) outside your practice.


22. What if I accidentally sent an email containing PHI to OntarioMD?

Please do not send personal health information (PHI) to OntarioMD. When you need assistance related to HRM, please verify with the HRM support person assisting you what non-personal information is required. 

In accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), the safeguarding of an individual's privacy is critical to OntarioMD's role as a Health Information Network Provider (HINP) for the Health Report Manager (HRM) application. All privacy incidents must be reported to the OntarioMD Privacy Officer as stipulated in the OntarioMD Privacy Breach Management Policy. As such, the OntarioMD Privacy Officer will be notified if PHI is sent via email, and the necessary steps will be taken to contain the incident.

Please follow your standard internal processes to deal with any privacy incidents. For complimentary training on your legal obligations as a Health Information Custodian under PHIPA and on privacy and security best practices, please visit the OntarioMD Privacy & Security Training Module

For additional information on OntarioMD's privacy policies and related procedures please visit the Policies, Procedures & Guidelines page.


23. What version of LOINC does HRM use?

The LOINC code version that is used currently for HRM is version 2.76.  


24. What do I need to do to ensure my existing HRM integration will also deliver reports from any new facility that is sending reports through HRM?

If you are already connected to HRM, you do not need to take any action. No testing is required. You will automatically begin receiving reports from the new sending facility.

 If you don't have HRM, are using a certified EMR, and would like to receive reports from hospitals and specialty clinics in your EMR, please contact OntarioMD at


Have additional questions? Email OntarioMD at