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EMR Management Expression of Interest

EMR Management Services

OntarioMD (OMD) is conducting market research to assess the demand for a new set of services it is developing for clinics. These proposed services will streamline EMR management for clinics by offering them procurement, contract management and support services. The objective is to reduce a clinic’s EMR administration burden and to realize greater benefits from technology assets. The services are not available to clinics yet. OMD would like to engage clinics that are potentially interested in using such services to inform our planning. 

OMD wants to hear from clinics who may be interested in EMR Management Services.

Please complete the EMR Management Services Market Research Form.


  • EMR Management Services reduce the burden of managing EMR contracts and interfacing with vendors – OMD is your intermediary, acting in your best interest.
  • You receive professional expertise in EMR contract and vendor management.
  • You may realize greater savings and vendor support through by being part of a group.

Learn more about the proposed EMR Management Services and their benefits for your EMR and IT needs. Download the EMR Management brochure (PDF).

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the proposed EMR Management Services?

The proposed EMR Management Services are designed to offload the administrative and technical duties from clinicians and clinic staff by offering EMR procurement, contract management and support services. 

Three services are currently being explored: 

  1. EMR Procurement – managing EMR procurement activities for clinics; 
  2. Contract Management – supporting clinics to renew and make changes to contracts;
  3. Customer Service – representing clinics to liaise with vendors, manage and resolve EMR service issues.

Why is OMD offering EMR Management Services?

OMD has more than 20 years of experience in EMR certification and vendor management and in helping almost 20,000 primary care physicians and community-based specialists adopt and optimize their EMRs. We understand the administrative burden and challenges of EMR procurement and contract management. Most clinics lack sufficient capacity and expertise to manage these activities.

Who are the EMR Management Services for?

EMR Management Services are for Ontario clinics interested in offloading EMR procurement and contract management activities. Some clinics may have a more immediate need for these services, such as clinics using EMRs that are about to lose their certification status, or clinics looking to switch to a cloud-based EMR from their local instance.

When will EMR Management Services be available?

The launch date for the EMR Management Services has not been set. OMD will analyze the Expressions of Interest to determine potential demand and to inform our internal development plan.

How do I express my interest in the EMR Management Services?

To express your interest in the EMR Management Services, please complete the Market Research form.

Where can I get more information about the EMR Management Services?

If you have questions about EMR Management Services, please complete the Market Research form, and an OMD representative will contact you.

If you have general questions about your EMR or other health technology, OMD can get you the help you need. Contact us at